
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: febrer, 2014


LIFE AS WE KNOW IT. It was realised in 2010. The director is Greg Berlanti. The main actors are Katerine Heil, has the role of Holly Berenson and Josh Duhamel, has the role of Eric Messer. Is the story of two young people, who after a first date disastrous  must live together because their best friends die and leave a girl orphan and parents need. They live together and discover fall in love with the passage of time. I like this movie because at first nothing is earned and do you think never get reach an agreement. Throughout the film that questions whether or not end up together and suspense lasted until the end.




1.When was William Shakespeare born? He was born in 1564. 2.Where was Shakespeare born? He borned in Stradford upon Avon . 3.How many plays did Shakespeare write? He wrote 38 plays. 4.How many sonnets did Shakespear write? He wrote 154 sonnets. 5.What's the name  of the Shakespeare theatre in London? The name of the Shakespeare theatre is The Globe Theatre. 6.To be or not to be, that is the question? Is from which play? That phrase comes from Hamelet one of Shakespeare plays. LINK:  http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/uk-now/read-uk/shakespeare


THE SCIENTIST (Coldplay) Come up to meet you,                                     Vinc a reunir-me amb tu,                              Tell you I'm sorry,                                            A dir-te que ho sento, You don't know how lovely you are.                 Tu no saps lo marevillosa que ets.        I had to find you,                                              Tenia que trobar-te, Tell you I need you,                                          Dir-te que et necessito, Tell you I set you apart.                                    Dir-te que em separaré de tu. Tell me your secrets,                                         Diguem el teus secrets, And ask me your questions,                               I fes-me les teves preguntes, Oh, let's go back to the start.                             Tornem al principi. Running in circles,                                              Corren en cercles, Coming up tails,