
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: octubre, 2013

Multiple inteligences

MUSICAL: music comedy actor, singer INTERPERSONAL: teacher LNGUISTIC:  teacher, comedian LOGICAL:  detective T he test is exactly what I deserve. When I grow up I want to be  kindergarden teacher . I would also like to do something that relates to music for exemple music comedy actor or singer.  


CARRERS AND HOBBIES: Engineer, Naval Officer, Manager, Judge, Gardening, Woodworking, Collecting, Sewing (translation: Enginyer , oficial naval , Gerent , jutge, jardineria , fusteria , recol · lecció , Costura) SUMMARY: Beavers are the workaholics of the animal world. As a handyperson they have no equal: If asked to fix a chair, they'll build one from scratch.Organized and structured, their determined attitudes spill over into all aspects of their busy lives and they plan for the future almost unconsciously.In their spare time, beavers love to busy themselves around the house or tend their precisely manicured lawns.While others are playing, beavers are usually hard at work.  Generally in good physical condition, they find time to keep fit even with their busy work schedules. OPINION:   I agree because say what beavers are organizational and structured their attitudes extend to all aspects of their busy lives and plan for the future almost unconsciously. I d...